Parameters are JSON encoded and returned in the body of the reply. GET /devices Get a list of all devices that can be set/get. - id ID of the device. To be used with /get-state/ and /set-state/. - description Description of the device: what it is etc. - getable True or False - if it has state that can be retrieved. - setable True or False - if it has state that can be changed. - states A list of possible states that can be returned via /get-state/ or set via /set-state/. /device/ID Get the state of a device: { "state": "..." } PATCH /device/ID Set the state of a device. JSON body shall contain: { "state": "..." } where "..." is the state to set. Must be one of 'states' from '/devices'. It returns: { "result": true/false } to indicate if it succeeded or not.