Cute Games v0.1 Authored by kz04px Match settings loaded: - threads 1 - games 1 - store size 2 - tc 1000+0ms - openings_path openings.txt - timeoutbuffer 250ms - maxfullmoves 300 - update_frequency 20 - debug 1 - repeat 1 - recover 1 - verbose 1 Engine Data: - 0 mark-dufour /home/folkert/t/shedskin/examples/othello2/build/othello2 --ugi {threads:1} {ownbook:false} {hash:128} {debug:true} - 1 nothello-7309ac4 /home/folkert/Projects/Nothello/build/nothello-7309ac4 -m ugi {threads:1} {ownbook:false} {hash:128} {debug:true} Opening positions: 3 Starting game 0: mark-dufour vs nothello-7309ac4 [debug] Load engine 0 ugi ugiok setoption name threads value 1 setoption name ownbook value false setoption name hash value 128 setoption name debug value true [debug] Load engine 1 ugi id name Nothello id author Folkert van Heusden ugiok setoption name threads value 1 setoption name ownbook value false setoption name hash value 128 setoption name debug value true isready readyok isready Invalid command: setoption name threads value 1 Invalid command: setoption name ownbook value false Invalid command: setoption name hash value 128 Invalid command: setoption name debug value true readyok uginewgame uginewgame position fen 8/8/8/3ox3/3xo3/8/8/8 o query p1turn response true position fen 8/8/8/3ox3/3xo3/8/8/8 o query p1turn response true isready readyok position fen 8/8/8/3ox3/3xo3/8/8/8 o query gameover response false go p1time 1000 p2time 1000 p1inc 0 p2inc 0 bestmove c4 position fen 8/8/8/3ox3/3xo3/8/8/8 o moves c4 query p1turn response false isready readyok position fen 8/8/8/3ox3/3xo3/8/8/8 o moves c4 query gameover response false go p1time 923 p2time 1000 p1inc 0 p2inc 0 bestmove b3 position fen 8/8/8/3ox3/3xo3/8/8/8 o moves c4 b3 query p1turn response true isready readyok position fen 8/8/8/3ox3/3xo3/8/8/8 o moves c4 b3 query gameover response false go p1time 923 p2time 975 p1inc 0 p2inc 0 bestmove e6 position fen 8/8/8/3ox3/3xo3/8/8/8 o moves c4 b3 e6 query p1turn response false isready readyok position fen 8/8/8/3ox3/3xo3/8/8/8 o moves c4 b3 e6 query gameover response false go p1time 882 p2time 975 p1inc 0 p2inc 0 bestmove e7 position fen 8/8/8/3ox3/3xo3/8/8/8 o moves c4 b3 e6 e7 query p1turn response true isready readyok position fen 8/8/8/3ox3/3xo3/8/8/8 o moves c4 b3 e6 e7 query gameover response false go p1time 882 p2time 951 p1inc 0 p2inc 0 bestmove e8 position fen 8/8/8/3ox3/3xo3/8/8/8 o moves c4 b3 e6 e7 e8 query p1turn response false isready readyok position fen 8/8/8/3ox3/3xo3/8/8/8 o moves c4 b3 e6 e7 e8 query gameover response false go p1time 841 p2time 951 p1inc 0 p2inc 0 bestmove d3 position fen 8/8/8/3ox3/3xo3/8/8/8 o moves c4 b3 e6 e7 e8 d3 query p1turn response true isready readyok position fen 8/8/8/3ox3/3xo3/8/8/8 o moves c4 b3 e6 e7 e8 d3 query gameover response false go p1time 841 p2time 928 p1inc 0 p2inc 0 bestmove c2 position fen 8/8/8/3ox3/3xo3/8/8/8 o moves c4 b3 e6 e7 e8 d3 c2 query p1turn response false isready readyok position fen 8/8/8/3ox3/3xo3/8/8/8 o moves c4 b3 e6 e7 e8 d3 c2 query gameover response false go p1time 721 p2time 928 p1inc 0 p2inc 0 bestmove d1 position fen 8/8/8/3ox3/3xo3/8/8/8 o moves c4 b3 e6 e7 e8 d3 c2 d1 query p1turn response true isready readyok position fen 8/8/8/3ox3/3xo3/8/8/8 o moves c4 b3 e6 e7 e8 d3 c2 d1 query gameover response false go p1time 721 p2time 908 p1inc 0 p2inc 0 bestmove b1 position fen 8/8/8/3ox3/3xo3/8/8/8 o moves c4 b3 e6 e7 e8 d3 c2 d1 b1 query p1turn response false isready readyok position fen 8/8/8/3ox3/3xo3/8/8/8 o moves c4 b3 e6 e7 e8 d3 c2 d1 b1 query gameover response true isready readyok position fen 8/8/8/3ox3/3xo3/8/8/8 o moves c4 b3 e6 e7 e8 d3 c2 d1 b1 query gameover response false query result response p1win isready readyok position fen 8/8/8/3ox3/3xo3/8/8/8 o moves c4 b3 e6 e7 e8 d3 c2 d1 b1 query gameover response true query result response p1win Finished game 1 of 1 Score of mark-dufour vs nothello-7309ac4: 0 - 0 - 0 [-nan] 1 quit quit [debug] Unload engine 99 [debug] Unload engine 99 Statistics: Engines loaded: 2 Engines unloaded: 2 Games finished: 1 Player 1 Score: +0-0=0 Time taken: 0m 0s Games/min: 144.578 Games/sec: 2.410 Games/ms: 0.002 ms/game: 415